The Online Information Source for a progressing Community.

Empowering at-risk youth through skateboarding

A skateboarder does a grab trick in a bowl-shaped skate park. In the background is a watching crowd, palm trees, and the ocean.
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    KENYAN DICTATOR TAXMAN In the not-too-distant future, Kenya found itself under the iron-fisted rule of a dictatorial taxman named General Kibali. A once vibrant and democratic nation had now succumbed to the oppressive rule of a single man who had assumed control over all financial matters, wielding the tax system as his weapon of choice.General…

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    NIKIWEKA BIBILIA CHINI. BY: LENOX AUGO Once upon a time in Kenya, there was a charismatic politician named William Ruto. Known for his persuasive speeches and ability to connect with the masses, Ruto had a gift for capturing the hearts and minds of Kenyans. However, as the country approached the election season, a shadow of…

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Learn to skate

Skatepark welcomes youth of all ages and experience levels. Whether you’ve never been on a board before, or you can already do tricks, there’s a place for you and something to learn.

Make new friends

Skateboarding is a social sport! Come hang out and meet some new friends to cheer you on while you skate. We have a strict no-bullying policy and maintain a supportive environment.

Close-up of a person riding a skateboard, focusing on their feet and the board. One foot is on the board, while the other foot is up, in motion. A skatepark is blurred in the background.

Skateboarding can teach people discipline, patience, and resiliency. It’s a great sport for kids with a lot of energy! We’ll help build up some structure and support in your life, all while you meet new people and have a ton of fun learning how to skateboard.

Visiting Coaches

Steph Harper. Buddy Sellers. Mehmet Farrow. Bob Lopez. Tammy Habich. Tye Barclay. Kaden Price. Lily Rivera. Chris Wright. Sammy Sanchez.

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